Dan Radmacher
Church council met January 30 at 6p.m. in the church library. Much of the meeting continued discussions about the staffing transition and bigger picture thoughts about how best to devote staffing resources to fulfill the mission and ministries of St. Philip.
Pastor David reported that the temporary staffing situation — an increase in Office Administrator Laura Latham’s hours and the hiring of Kelly Miller Truax to work part-time as a volunteer coordinator — has helped, though some communications issues are still being worked out.
While the picture of what a permanent staffing solution will look like remains unclear, council agreed it would be good to have that in place by July — which many agreed was an ambitious timetable. Council President Sue Huntington agreed to work with council member Max Holland on developing a congregational survey to help gather input from the congregation as council moves forward.
In other business, a nominating committee was put together in anticipation of an April congregational meeting. Outgoing council members Max Holland and Dan Radmacher agreed to serve on the committee, which will also include Pastor David, Garth McNeil and Liz Leonard. The committee will come up with nominees for four council members and one youth representative. (see below)
Council decided to give $800 to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church to help defray some of the costs for last year’s Reformation celebration service and Oktoberfest. Poor weather depressed community attendance and left the church about $1,600 in the red for the event.
Pastor David reported that Kari Callanan Harvey would be resigning as the church’s financial secretary as soon as we can find a replacement for her.
The next council meeting will be on March 13 at 7 p.m. in the church library. Anyone is welcome to attend.