
Using God’s Resources 

We are blessed at St. Philip with great resources! One of which is an Endowment Fund and other investments that allows our congregation to expand ministry in many exciting ways. However, Church Council also wants to thank you for your generosity to ensure that the infrastructure and core ministry of the congregation continues to happen.

Endowment income and investments are not used for the day to day ministry of St. Philip. We continue to need to watch very closely our expenditures as they relate to daily operation. To date, our expenditures for daily ministry outspend the offerings received from the congregation. That deficit will not be offset by investment income, per our investment policies. St. Philip Council asks that you faithfully give and consider increasing your offering so that we finish the year in a strong financial position.

In 2016, the St. Philip Endowment generated $15,000 for ministry initiatives through St. Philip. Church Council has approved the following ministries which, again, are made possible by the Endowment Fund:

$5000 grant to St. Philip Youth for ELCA Youth Gathering

$2000 Seminarian Support – to support our student Matt Leonard

$1500 grant to Camp Caroline Furnace – Virginia’s Outdoor Lutheran Camp

$6500 media upgrade throughout the building

Church Council also approved several upgrades which were made possible by funds from St. Philip’s additional investments. These included:

$6,250 Color Pinter/Copier

$3,390 Automatic Door – to allow easier access for folks with mobility challenges

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