Congregational Life Youth Ministry

Youth News 

(More details are available in your email and texts)

Youth Group: Both Middle School and High School Groups meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, 4-6pm, with dinner for all at 5:30pm. Come join the fun!!


1st – Middle School and High School Youth Groups

15th – Middle School and High School Youth Groups

25th (Wed.; 6:30-9pm) – Flashlight Maze at Layman Farms


6th – Rake leaves for members of the congregation

12th – Youth-led Worship Service: both services!!

17th – 19th (Fri-Sat) – Lost & Found: Youth Retreat for 7th & 8th graders

20th – Middle School and High School Youth Groups

19th (7pm) – Hollins Community Thanksgiving Worship

Youth Faith Formation: 

Middle School and High School Faith Formation is part of Sunday Youth Group.  We use lots of different materials: re:form Bible study, videos, conversation, and “burning Jesus questions” (but PK, why would we want to burn Jesus?!).

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