
Italian Night and Silent Auction

Congregational Life News Worship Events

Holy Week Schedule

Maundy Thursday, March 29
Fellowship 6:00pm
Worship 7:00pm

Good Friday Worship, March 30, 7:00pm

Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, March 31, 10am

Easter Sunday, April 1
Sunrise Worship, 7:00am
Easter Celebration Worship, 8:30am and 11:00am
Easter Breakfast, 9:45am

News Newsletter Worship Assistants

April 2018 Worship Servers

April 2018 Servers

News Newsletter

April 2018 St. Philip Invitation

April 2018 St. Philip Invitation

Congregational Life News Worship Events

Easter Sunday

Global Missions Ministries

Italian Night and Silent Auction

It’s no secret that the congregation at St. Philip enjoys sharing meals together. The Global Mission team is offering a chance to gather and break bread together with an authentic Italian meal. On Saturday, April 21 come for a dinner from 5:30 to 7:30pm and a silent auction.

The menu for this elegant evening will showcase delicious chicken Parmesan and spaghetti with Grandma Jo’s sauce, salad, bread, beverages, and Italian dessert choices. Advance ticket price is $12.00 for adults and $6 for children (age 12 and under). Tickets at the door will be $15 for adults/$8 for children. All proceeds from this elegant evening will benefit St. Philip’s sister parish in Mponella, Africa as we continue to help our brothers and sisters there with food security assistance.

Come early for the silent auction. Bidding opens at 5:00pm.  Items available in past years a signed ACC football, golf and lunch with Pastor David, a Taubman Family membership, Disney Tickets, gift baskets, and more. Admission to the silent auction only is free.

Advance dinner tickets may be purchased on Sunday mornings during Café or by stopping by the church office on weekday mornings. Please come help support our friends of the ELCM while enjoying a fun evening with friends and family in our own community.

Council Notes News

Congregational Open Forum

Everyone is invited and encouraged to be a part of an open forum on Sunday, March 18th starting at 10am in the sanctuary.  The intent of this gathering is to provide some space for good dialogue as St. Philip considers options for staffing into the future.  Please check out the State of the Parish article and mark your calendars for March 18th to bring your questions, comments, hopes, and dreams to this very important time of discernment in our life together at St. Philip.

Christian Education Congregational Life

Childrens’ Opportunity for Faith Formation

Children’s Faith Formation at St. Philip happens in multiple ways. During Sunday morning worship services kids participate in the central communal act of god’s people, worshipping together! On the second Sunday of each month, there is opportunity for ALL to come together between worship services for Intergenerational Faith Formation. And on the fourth Sunday of each month in the afternoon Family Faith Formation allows families to celebrate and fellowship together in faith and fun.

Congregational Life Ministries Newsletter

Take Action On A Cause You Care About!

Pastor David and Maribeth Shermer

St. Philip is a community of faith ACTIVE in ministry. I hear that comment all the time from colleagues, other churches in our community, neighbors, and friends. I love that people around us have noticed and I truly hope that the activity among us points directly to the God who loves us unconditionally.

Let’s not stop! Let’s stay ACTIVE!  Let’s keep exploring where God is calling us to LOVE, FEED, SERVE!

Council Notes News

Church Council News – February

Dan Radmacher

Church council met January 30 at 6p.m. in the church library. Much of the meeting continued discussions about the staffing transition and bigger picture thoughts about how best to devote staffing resources to fulfill the mission and ministries of St. Philip.

Pastor David reported that the temporary staffing situation — an increase in Office Administrator Laura Latham’s hours and the hiring of Kelly Miller Truax to work part-time as a volunteer coordinator — has helped, though some communications issues are still being worked out.