Worship Assistants

December 2017 Worship Servers

December 2017 Servers


December 2017 St. Philip Invitation

December 2017 St. Philip Invitation

Council Notes

Thank You for Your Generosity

It is so important to say thank you. St. Philip is a community that practices generosity. That generosity takes shape in so many ways. Thank you. As we celebrate that generosity know that we are always hopeful for expanding the ways we live out mission and ministry. Please prayerfully consider making an additional gift as the calendar year comes to a close.

We are active in so many ways, but know that for Christ’s sake there is always more we might do. Remember that gifts made through December 31st count as charitable donations for the year 2017. You can also be creative in your giving


  1. Consider increasing your offering so that we finish the year in a strong financial position. If 80 St. Philip families gave just an additional $100 between now and the end of the year, we would cancel that deficit and finish in the black. Your pastors are committed to making that additional contribution and invite you to do the same.
  2. Giving stock. Pay no tax on capital gains when donating stock to a church.
  3. Visiting the St. Philip website and set up a regular gift to ministry of St. Philip electronically.

*  please speak with your accountant or tax advisor for details concerning charitable gifts.

Council Notes

Church Council News – November

Church Council News – November
Dan Radmacher

Council met on Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 6 p.m. in the church library. Though most of the meeting was taken up by going over and approving the 2018 spending plan, a good portion of the meeting was devoted to Pastor Kelly’s announcement that she has accepted a call to serve as Assistant to the Bishop of the Virginia Synod.

This sad and exciting news means major transitions ahead both for St. Philip and the Derrick family, and council spent some time discussing potential ways to fulfill the many responsibilities that Pastor Kelly currently handles. No decisions were made, except to keep Pastor Kelly’s compensation in the spending plan so resources would be available for future staffing decisions.

Council continued to wrestle with the spending plan, approving a plan with a hefty $17,000 shortfall. The fixed expenses of funding the church — staff compensation, utilities, maintenance and upkeep — continue to outpace giving in recent years. While St. Philip is blessed with resources, including substantial endowment and investment funds, council wants to make sure those are used in a responsible and sustainable fashion.

There will be a congregational meeting on Sunday, Dec. 17, at 10 a.m. to discuss and approve the spending plan.

The next council meeting will be Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 7 p.m. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Feast at Philip's Ministries

Feast at Philip’s Christmas Day, Monday, December 25th 3:00-4:00 pm

Thank you to all who helped cook, serve, and clean up for the Thanksgiving Feast at Philips!!

On Christmas Day, you are invited to serve the community as part of your family Christmas tradition. This year’s Feast will be more to-go boxes for our neighbors, but we will also serve those who come to eat at St. Philip.

How can you help?

  • Volunteer to serve at the Feast
  • Volunteer to pack to-go boxes for our neighbors
  • Purchase and cook a turkey and/or a ham
  • Bake a pie or pies
  • Volunteer to help set up or clean up
  • Make a financial donation to support the Feast (be sure to write “Feast at Philips” on your check)

This is a great opportunity to share God’s love by sharing with our neighbors. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, there is a volunteer sign-up sheet in the narthex with specific duties listed. If you have questions about offering yourself for this feast, speak with one of the pastors. Thank you for your servant hearts!!


November 2017

November 2017 St. Philip Invitation

Live Like That News

Worship Assistants

November 2017 Servers

November 2017 Servers