Christian Education

Open Book Small Group

Mark your calendars for January 25 from 6-8PM for a new small group called “Open Book.” Come to the church for fellowship, a potluck dinner, and book discussion over dessert.. Childcare can be provided, if requested. We will be discussing Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown. The church will purchase the books by way of a Thrivent Action Team. If you have questions or an interest in this group, please contact Sue Huntington or Pastor Laura.


The Key To Change Is To Change the Key

I am not quite sure this is true, but the pastors and church council want the congregation to be aware that starting mid-January, the three exterior entrances to the St. Philip facility will be re-keyed Since our building was constructed in 1993 the locks have remained the same. Over the years, one of the growing ministries at St. Philip has been opening our facilities to church members, ministry groups, and local non-profit organizations. We very much want that ministry of hospitality to continue.

Once locks are changed, entrance into the building will happen through the side doors where a coded box will have a non-duplicatable master key to get into St. Philip. Any member of St. Philip who would like the code will be able to get that from Laura, office administrator in the church office. Additionally, one-time users of the building will be provided a temporary code for entrance during their event. With this change we hope to have a bit of reset after years of keys being issued and not returned as well as simplifying procedures for all the folks who count on St. Philip for space for ministry.



Community Café – Connecting St. Philip and Our Neighbors

The congregation at St. Philip is a community who wants to Live Like That (live like Christ).  Jesus ministry was always about reaching out. We want to do that at St. Philip, too. Starting in March, we plan to serve and host a lunchtime meal for the neighborhood surrounding us. Everyone is invited, but the plan is to particularly reach out to people who work and live close by.

Mostly, this time is designed to be a time to be together. To hang out and hear stories. To connect with people around us.  To be a part of the neighborhood. No agenda – no expectation, simply being with one another.

If you have questions or would like to be a part of planning for Community Café speak to the anyone on the organizing team – Bev Stith, Mary Wingate, or Linda Duncan Rhodes.


Open Doors – Digital Worship Experience

Our mission together as disciples is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. Pastor David and I are so excited to launch a new ministry at St. Philip to do just that! On Wednesday, January 8 at 7pm, we are going to launch the Open Doors Digital service.

The digital worship service will be recording of the Sunday worship service in an interactive online format. Pastor David and I will host a chat for faith conversation and answer prayer requests as viewers converse and worship together. This ministry is specifically intended for those who are not yet a part of the St. Philip community, but All are welcome to join. The service can be accessed at

Congregational Life

Celebrate Life Seminar

Life is a beautiful gift, one that we treasure deeply. Join in for a three-part event to learn more about how to celebrate life as aging adults. In March, St. Philip will have three sessions covering many important aspects of caring for elderly adults, including hospice care, legal processes, funeral planning, and legacy gift giving. Each session will follow the 11:00 service on Sundays and include a lunch. If you have questions, please see Pastor Laura.


Anti-Scamming seminar

In recent years, there has been an unfortunate increase in scamming attempts. It is important to understand what these scams can look like and how to avoid becoming a victim of scams. Join other members of St. Philip and the community on February 15 from 12pm-3pm for a seminar and light lunch. The anti-scamming seminar will be hosted by the League of Older Americans and lunch will be provided through a Thrivent Action Team. Please RSVP for this free event to the church office by February 9. All are welcome to join. Invite your friends and neighbors so that they can all be better equipped to know how to identify and avoid scams..

Congregational Life Newsletter

Two exciting events coming to St. Philip January 18!

Winterfest – 2-4pm – A fun winter carnival event! Free and open to the community! Bring your kids, grandkids, and friends to enjoy ice fishing, Balloon Twister, winter crafts, a cake walk, pin the nose of the snowman and more! Enjoy some wintery treats at the Snowflake Café!

Chili Cook-Off – 5-7pm – Warm up from the cold weather and enjoy a great selection of chilis! Savor the delicious food and partake in wonderful fellowship!

If you have questions about this event, contact Bev Stith.

Worship Assistants

January 2020 Worship Servers

News Newsletter

St. Philip Invitation – January 2020

Congregational Life News

Advent: Season of Hope

In Advent, God’s people wait with hope for the birth of Jesus, God’s anointed one. Advent lasts for four Sundays (and the weeks between them); lighting candles helps us mark the time as we get ready for the Light of World, Jesus Christ. Great memories can be formed as candles on a wreath are lit, scripture is read, and the hopeful anticipation of Christ’s coming is celebrated. You are invited to pick up Advent devotions displayed in the narthex (gathering space) for you/your family to use during this holy season.

Advent Worship

All are invited to mark days of anticipation and hope during the season of advent each Sunday morning at 8:30 and 11:00am worship. Our theme this Advent will be “Everlasting Light.” We will use a new liturgy, light candles on the wreath, and hear the stories of the promise of the coming of Jesus. We’ll also have a station in the gathering area where you will be invited to name the ways in which you see God’s light in the world each week. We are looking forward to celebrating this season of hope together as we celebrate God’s greatest gift of love – Jesus Christ.

Chrismon Tree Decorating, Sunday, December 15, before each worship service

A Chrismon tree is a special tree adorned with symbols of Christianity in its earliest days, such as the Alpha and Omega and the fish.  Newer symbols like a dove, Bible, rose, and cross and crown can also be used.  All decorations and supplies will be provided.

Christmas Caroling, Sunday, December 8, 2-4pm

You are invited to share Christmas cheer! Meet at St. Philip. Then groups will head out and about in the Roanoke Valley. Please also bring some cookies to share with folks. Sign-up in the narthex if you plan to join the fun!

Children’s Christmas Program

The children of St. Philip will share the Christmas story at the 5:30pm Christmas Eve worship service. Rehearsals for the children’s Christmas program are each Sunday at 9:50am, now through December 22.

Christmas Eve, you have two opportunities for worship: 

5:30pm – Candlelight service and youth program

9:00pm – Traditional candlelight service 

Holy Communion will be served at both services.  

Morning Worship the First Sunday after Christmas (Lessons and Carols)

Do not miss a wonderful worship of Lessons and Carols the Sunday after Christmas, December 29th.  Jesus story is told both by scripture and many timeless hymns of the Christmas season.  We will have one worship service at 9:30am.