Congregational Life News

Winter Weather Policy

When roads are too dangerous to travel, announcements about worship services will be made on WDBJ7 and WSLS Newschannel 10, the church website, social media, and our robo-call service. Please check these media outlets for cancellation or time change information. As always, use your good judgment.

Newsletter Worship Assistants

December Worship Servers

December 2018 Servers

News Newsletter

St. Philip Invitation – December 2018

December 2018 St. Philip Invitation

Worship Assistants

November 2018 Worship Servers

November 2018 Servers

News Newsletter

St. Philip Invitation – November 2018

St. Philip November Invitation

Newsletter Worship Assistants

October Worship Servers

October 2018 Servers

News Newsletter

St. Philip Invitation – October 2018

October 2018 St. Philip Invitation


Fall Fix September 22nd

Celebrate the first day of autumn and the new church year by helping clean up and “fix up” amazing St. Philip facility and property that enables us to live God’s mission in great ways on Saturday, September 22 from 9am to noon.

In an effort to care for this wonderful blessing, you are invited to help clean up a bit. Spend the morning cleaning, weeding, helping with much needed minor repairs, or landscaping. Many hands make light work for the tasks planned. Even our youngest members can help with small tasks. What a great way to teach them how to be good stewards of the many blessings God gives all of us!

If you would like to participate contact Pastor David or Donna Wright. No experience is necessary.



Intergenerational Faith Formation

On the Second Sunday of each month, starting September 9 (10-10:45am), ALL ages will gather between worship services for a short bible story followed by a service project. Just for 45 minutes. Just once per month. One of the best ways for all of us to grow in faith is to do it together. Growing relationship with God takes the whole village!

In September, as harvest time comes, the bible story will focus on Jesus describing God as a grand sower generously tossing seeds everywhere. The service project will be crafting Mason Jars (hope you are getting the harvest theme) to be shared with hospice patients through Carilion Hospice.

I encourage everyone to be part of these gatherings! If you’d like to help with these in any way, please speak with Juli Albertin or Pastor David.



Faith In Real Life (FIRL) Adult Faith Formation

Growing in faith is a lifelong endeavor! For adults the dance of integrating faith with life on a daily basis is one of the most wonderful and challenging experiences. At St. Philip we want to help make those connections with a variety of opportunities each month.

The first Sunday of each month will be a time for reflection and discussion called “God Moments.” Come prepared to have great conversation answering some pretty standard while also thought-provoking questions. For example: “We pray each week in the Lord’s Prayer ‘Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done.’  How is that happening?”

The second Sunday of each month is dedicated to coming together with all generations of the congregation in an intergenerational faith formation (see the article above).

On the third and fourth Sundays, guests from both within the congregation and members of the greater community will join the class to discuss how faith shapes their call in life. September guests are Debbie Kanode, St. Philip Blood Drive Coordinator and Virginia Vann, Board chair for Elijah’s Backpack.

And finally, on months when a 5th Sunday happens, Pastor David will host an open “ask the pastor” forum.

Please plan to connect with FIRL starting on September 9. All discussions will be in the library, except Intergenerational Faith Formation, which meets in the fellowship hall.