
Global Missions Yard Sale & Take Out Chicken Dinner

On Saturday, October 13, Global Missions will sponsor a take-out chicken dinner. Meal includes half a BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, potato salad or cole slaw, and cookies for $10.00 each. You may pick up your dinner between 5:00 and 7:00pm at the church.

Global Missions will also sponsor a yard sale October 13 from 8:00am to noon. Table spaces may be rented for a small fee. Global Ministry will also host a table. and will be looking for donations for it later in the fall. (Please do NOT bring your items to the church for storage).

Gather your no longer needed valuables and watch for more details in the bulletin, newsletter, the St. Philip Lutheran Facebook page, and on signs around the church.

If you are on Facebook, please check out the event pages for these two opportunities to support the Global Mission team. Share these with your friends and families to make these events even more successful.

Proceeds support St. Philip Global Missions Team and the congregation’s sister parish in Monela, Malawi.

Congregational Life Ministries Newsletter

Listen, God is Calling

Thank you to all of you for the many ways you serve God’s church through the ministry of St. Philip. Truly our calling is about God’s work and our hands. Several of you have asked if there is a list of things that might be helpful as Church Council continues to discern next steps for staffing. There are a number of quiet ways you might make an impact in the ministry. If you have been thinking about ways to connect to the ministry at St. Philip and have not been quite sure how to start, please consider serving in one or more of these ministries:

Altar Guild – Each Sunday we, as a congregation, experiences the living Christ at the altar. The altar guild serves to make sure the table is ready. This ministry is wonderfully rewarding and truly as easy as getting ready to host a dinner.

Miss You Cards – The church office is looking for someone who would send cards to folks who have not been to St. Philip to worship for a while.

Children’s Table and Busy Bags – As school starts, this is a great time to re-supply busy bags that are provided to help children participate in worship in ways that make sense for younger ones. Additionally, there is a table just for little ones in the gathering space that needs freshening.

Property Care and Clean-up – A group clean up day planned is for September 22nd, but you do not need to wait until then to help out around the church. (see page 4) St. Philip has a wonderful facility that truly serves the whole community. It should be care for with pride.

Worship Assistants – Ushers, acolytes, power point clickers, sound system operators, readers, communion assistants. This is absolutely a great way to live out your faith on Sunday morning. Speak with Carol Dillman at 8:30am worship and Mary Jo Sahm at 11am worship.

Prayer Chain Coordinator – This longtime ministry of St. Philip needs someone to check in with the links in the chain. The prayer chain is made of praying volunteers who pray for special congregational needs. See Laura Latham if you might serve in this way.

Social Ministry “Sharer” – If you have a Facebook account, you can help share ministry of St. Philip with your family, friends, and community. Anything you see on the St. Philip Facebook page can be shared to your page and newsfeed. The social ministry task force is working to create more and more Facebook events about upcoming activities and ministries here at St. Philip. These events are open to all people, so please share and invite folks even outside of the congregation.

News Newsletter

St. Philip to begin live-streaming services


If you visit St. Philip’s Facebook page, you may have noticed some occasional videos of summer worship services. Soon, streamed services will be consistently available as an exciting new way to connect with the St. Philip community who may not be able to attend worship.

Several folks in the sound team and the new social media task force have been testing equipment and working to get the best sound and picture quality possible. The best placement for the camera has yet to be determined, so please be patient if a tripod might be near your favorite pew. The sound and social media folks hope to have a permanent placement soon.

For logistical reasons, St. Philip will most likely only livestream the 8:30 service, as well as some other activities, such as the recent Christmas in August Variety Show.

If you have a Facebook account, what a great way to share the ministry of St. Philip with your friends and neighbors. “Like” the live feed posts. Share them to your own newsfeed. Comment on something in them that moves you!

Newsletter Worship Assistants

September 2018 Worship Servers

September 2018 Servers

News Newsletter

St. Philip Invitation – September 2018

September 2018 St. Philip Invitation

Congregational Life News Youth Ministry

Youth Golf Tournament is Moving to Hunting Hills Country Club!

There is a change in venue! This year the 17th Annual Youth Golf Tournament will be at Hunting Hills Country Club on Saturday, September 29, 1:00pm. Register by September 15 for the early bird fee of $260 per team/$65 per golfer.

The tournament serves as the primary fundraiser for our youth ministries so please consider putting together a team of golfers or inviting golfers you know to play. If you don’t play, please consider sponsoring a hole, asking your employer to sponsor a hole, or donating a prize to go to tournament participants.

Registration forms and sponsorship information are in the gathering space (narthex) or by calling the church office at 540-366-7046.


Worship Assistants

August 2018 Worship Servers

August 2018 Worship Servers

News Newsletter

St. Philip Invitation – August 2018

August 2018 St. Philip Invitation

Congregational Life Youth Ministry

ELCA Youth Gathering – Final Wrap Up

From Pastor David

We have returned safe and sound from Houston and the ELCA National Youth Gathering. It was a fabulous week that combined great fun, wonderful fellowship, and growing faith. The theme “This Changes Everything” constantly focused our attention on how God’s call, grace, and hope shapes everything we do.

Please take time over the next several weeks to ask our youth (Jacob Schult, Griffin Horacek, Bradley Craig, Clara Johnston, Reece Derrick, Justin Craig, Nick Muir, and Drew Derrick) about their experience. We will try to have a presentation for the congregation later in the summer.

For me just a few of the nuggets from a fantastic week:

  1. I was reminded over and over that it is by God’s grace that we are saved and that changes us.  It was worth being reminded of this absolute truth.
  2. Youth are inspiring.  They think clearly.  They love openly.  They believe deeply.  St. Philip’s youth were all of these things.
  3. Many of our event speakers shared stories that were eye opening and direct.  I hope that we can continue to have helpful conversation about things often avoided.  And I hope that those conversations will always be shaped by our identity formed by relationship with Christ Jesus.

Thank you St. Philip for your support, your prayers, and for our shared proclamation of Jesus promises.

Congregational Life Youth Ministry

ELCA Youth Gathering – Day 4

From Reece Derrick, Justin Craig, and Chas Downs 

Today was our service we served at the Houston food bank, which serves thousands of meals every day. We worked with many people from around the country mostly from Minnesota to package food that would amount to over 21000 meals for the Houston community. At the mass gathering we learned how good keeps us moving forward no matter what. We also learned that G  od will always be there for us in the darkest of times. Just the presence of 30,000 Lutherans gave hope to Houston, and filled the locals with joy and thanksgiving for the work and energy we brought to the city.