Day of Service Ministries

Day of Service

Linda Rhodes

On Sunday, August 26, St. Philip will once again provided a picnic for the residents at Melrose Towers. They appreciated last summer’s picnic so much, the staff have asked St. Philip if they might return this year.

The menu will be hot dogs and hamburgers with all the fixings. There will also be opportunity for bingo and other games. The residents love receiving prizes of toiletries, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, toilet paper and paper towels – items that cannot be purchased with food stamps. Later in the summer look for opportunities to donate these items and how you can help serve St. Philip’s neighbors.

If you have any questions please contact Linda Duncan Rhodes or Donna Wright.

Council Notes News

Church Council News – May

Linda Duncan Rhodes

Council met on May 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the church library.

New council members were welcomed. Sue Huntington was elected Council President and Dan Horine Council Vice President. Council appointed Pete Shick Treasurer and Betty Holland Financial Secretary.

Council members spent the remainder of the meeting reviewing and discussing the Focus groups reports gathered from the congregational meeting. Pastor David told council it would be helpful to him to have someone who could assist him with pastoral care and possibly preach once a month. Several names were discussed by council. Council and Pastor David agreed this person could assist us in forming the vision for the staffing we need.

Pastor David had a recent meeting with Bishop Humphrey to discuss staffing needs.  Bishop Humphrey feels St Philip’s potential is off the charts. He did tell Pastor David there are not a lot of pastors looking for part time positions. Pastor David told council the cost for a full time pastor is around $75,000.

The next council meeting will be June 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the church library.  Anyone is welcome to attend.

Congregational Life Council Notes News

Casting Nets

Dan Radmacher

Jesus promised to make his disciples fishers of men. But in the modern church, it seems like we hesitate to cast the net. We float happily along in our boat, and hope the fish will simply jump in.

At St. Philip, council wants to figure out how to cast our nets for a vibrant, 21st century church. We’re going to start exploring some ways of improving outreach to the community using the modern tools available to the church.

I’ll be working on developing a strategy for this, but I could certainly use some help from any social media-savvy members of the congregation. If you have thoughts or ideas, or a willingness to help out in any way, contact me at

A couple of things council is considering starting as soon as possible include live-streaming services using Facebook Live. A tripod will be set up with a phone or tablet and broadcast services live. The hope is this will both offer a convenient way for members of the congregation who can’t make it to church to still experience service, and to help spread the word about St. Philip and its ministries.

Other events may be livestreamed as well.

In addition, council is going to start a church Instagram account to supplement the Facebook and Twitter presence. The hope is to spread the responsibility for keeping that account vibrant by having different people “take over” the account for several weeks at a time. If you have an active Instagram presence, and would be willing to help the church build its own presence, please contact me at the email address above.

Images are an important part of any effective outreach. Please take photos whenever you can at church events. Leadership will figure out the most effective way to share them. If you have a particular interest in photography, let me know.

If we want St. Philip to grow and thrive, we cannot be content to simply wait for fish to jump in the boat. Please let me know if you’re interested in helping find better ways to cast our digital nets.


Pastor’s Schedule

Pastor David will accompany St. Philip youth to the ELCA National Youth Gathering June 26 through July 2. Pastor David will be on vacation July 5 through July 20. Pastor Ken Lane will be responding to pastoral emergencies and can be contacted at 366-9481 or 312-6984.


News Newsletter Worship Assistants

June Worship Servers

June 2018 Worship Servers

News Newsletter

St. Philip Invitation – June/July

June/July 2018 St. Philip Invitation

Newsletter Worship Assistants

Worship Servers for May

May 2018 Worship Servers

News Newsletter

St. Philip Invitation – May 2018

May 2018 St. Philip Invitation


Italian Night and Silent Auction

Congregational Life News Worship Events

Holy Week Schedule

Maundy Thursday, March 29
Fellowship 6:00pm
Worship 7:00pm

Good Friday Worship, March 30, 7:00pm

Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, March 31, 10am

Easter Sunday, April 1
Sunrise Worship, 7:00am
Easter Celebration Worship, 8:30am and 11:00am
Easter Breakfast, 9:45am