Congregational Life Council Notes News

Casting Nets

Dan Radmacher

Jesus promised to make his disciples fishers of men. But in the modern church, it seems like we hesitate to cast the net. We float happily along in our boat, and hope the fish will simply jump in.

At St. Philip, council wants to figure out how to cast our nets for a vibrant, 21st century church. We’re going to start exploring some ways of improving outreach to the community using the modern tools available to the church.

I’ll be working on developing a strategy for this, but I could certainly use some help from any social media-savvy members of the congregation. If you have thoughts or ideas, or a willingness to help out in any way, contact me at

A couple of things council is considering starting as soon as possible include live-streaming services using Facebook Live. A tripod will be set up with a phone or tablet and broadcast services live. The hope is this will both offer a convenient way for members of the congregation who can’t make it to church to still experience service, and to help spread the word about St. Philip and its ministries.

Other events may be livestreamed as well.

In addition, council is going to start a church Instagram account to supplement the Facebook and Twitter presence. The hope is to spread the responsibility for keeping that account vibrant by having different people “take over” the account for several weeks at a time. If you have an active Instagram presence, and would be willing to help the church build its own presence, please contact me at the email address above.

Images are an important part of any effective outreach. Please take photos whenever you can at church events. Leadership will figure out the most effective way to share them. If you have a particular interest in photography, let me know.

If we want St. Philip to grow and thrive, we cannot be content to simply wait for fish to jump in the boat. Please let me know if you’re interested in helping find better ways to cast our digital nets.

News Newsletter Worship Assistants

June Worship Servers

June 2018 Worship Servers

Newsletter Worship Assistants

Worship Servers for May

May 2018 Worship Servers

Congregational Life News Worship Events

Holy Week Schedule

Maundy Thursday, March 29
Fellowship 6:00pm
Worship 7:00pm

Good Friday Worship, March 30, 7:00pm

Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, March 31, 10am

Easter Sunday, April 1
Sunrise Worship, 7:00am
Easter Celebration Worship, 8:30am and 11:00am
Easter Breakfast, 9:45am

News Newsletter Worship Assistants

April 2018 Worship Servers

April 2018 Servers

Congregational Life News Worship Events

Easter Sunday

Christian Education Congregational Life

Childrens’ Opportunity for Faith Formation

Children’s Faith Formation at St. Philip happens in multiple ways. During Sunday morning worship services kids participate in the central communal act of god’s people, worshipping together! On the second Sunday of each month, there is opportunity for ALL to come together between worship services for Intergenerational Faith Formation. And on the fourth Sunday of each month in the afternoon Family Faith Formation allows families to celebrate and fellowship together in faith and fun.

Congregational Life Ministries Newsletter

Take Action On A Cause You Care About!

Pastor David and Maribeth Shermer

St. Philip is a community of faith ACTIVE in ministry. I hear that comment all the time from colleagues, other churches in our community, neighbors, and friends. I love that people around us have noticed and I truly hope that the activity among us points directly to the God who loves us unconditionally.

Let’s not stop! Let’s stay ACTIVE!  Let’s keep exploring where God is calling us to LOVE, FEED, SERVE!

Congregational Life Ministries

Walking in Faith Together

Kelly Truax

Happy February everyone! I have enjoyed these past few weeks getting to know many of you and reconnecting with many familiar faces! As volunteer coordinator, I am exploring different ideas on how to better connect us and our families to each other and help grow our faith. Family Faith Formation is a great way for us to connect, amongst many endless opportunities for us to learn and grow together. I am thankful for you all and am enjoying sharing life with you. Please do not hesitate to share your ideas or find me and ask how we can work together. Let’s do faith together!



Congregational Life Ministries

Ministry All Around

Laura Latham


Wow! St. Philip has been alive with ministry the first 6 weeks of 2018: Souper Bowl of Caring, Fat Tuesday Steak Dinner, ForwardingFaith, Elijah’s Backpack, St. Philip Preschool, Lenten worship services, Witnessing Paws and more! Every day there are volunteers and congregation members in the building active in inreach and outreach. As part of my new role at St. Philip, it’s my honor and pleasure to work with folks more closely to make ministry happen.

While you are in the building through the week for ministry, worship, or service to our community, please check out the screens on the wall in the gathering space and near the kitchen in the hallway. The goal is to run a slideshow on these screens daily to welcome members and guests in our building and to remind folks of upcoming events in our congregation and among the Hollins area. I’ve been putting together these slides as I finalize announcements, so if you would like to include information about your ministry, please let me know by noon on Thursdays.