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ForwardingFaith Campaign 71:17

Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times. – Martin Luther

St Philip is excited to be participating in the Virginia Synod’s ForwardingFaith initiative. The goal of ForwardingFaith is to endow the youth and faith formation activities, events and programs of the Virginia Synod, ELCA.

We believe in both living and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ joyfully and abundantly throughout our lives. Based on our faith in the Triune God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—we are empowered to live lives of discipleship, service and mercy. We believe in faith formation to Love Feed and Serve others so that we can all Live Like That.

To learn more about the youth programs of the Virginia Synod, click here.

Visit the Virginia Synod website to learn more about the faith formation activities

Ambassadors Community for Theological Study (ACTS)

Power in the Spirit annual conference

Roots and Wings resources for family-based faith formation

Congregational Life Ministries Worship Events

Advent & Christmas Activities

Advent: Season of Hope
In Advent, God’s people wait with hope for the birth of Jesus, God’s anointed one. Advent lasts for four Sundays (and the weeks between them); lighting candles helps us mark the time as we get ready for the Light of World, Jesus Christ. Great memories can be formed as candles on a wreath are lit, scripture is read, and the hopeful anticipation of Christ’s coming is celebrated. You are invited to pick up Advent devotions, on a table in the narthex, for you/your family to use during this holy season.

Advent Night: Potluck, Carols, and Advent Wreaths
Sunday, December 3rd at 5:30pm. All are invited to enjoy the culinary creations of the members of your church family at our potluck dinner, then a festive time with a Christmas carol sing along. We will also create family Advent wreaths with fresh greenery, an Advent calendar for kids AND a fun Christmas photo shoot that could be used for your annual family Christmas card! Come join us as we begin the Advent journey in anticipation of the birth of our Savior!

Fellowship Luncheon
On December 7, 11am, all are invited to attend St. Philip’s Annual Christmas Fellowship Event to help get us in the holiday spirit. The lunch will be held at The Plantation on Sunnybrook. The cost is $16.42, which includes the full buffet, dessert, drinks, and gratuity. Transportation can be arranged by contacting Cindy Fielder at 915-8154. We hope many can attend Thursday, December 7th! Sign up sheets are in the narthex. You are guaranteed an “extra special” Gift–time spent in fellowship with your church family!

Chrismon Tree Decorating, Sunday, December 10, before each worship service
A Chrismon tree is a special tree adorned with symbols of Christianity in its earliest days, such as the Alpha and Omega and the fish.  Newer symbols like a dove, Bible, rose, and cross and crown can also be used.  All decorations and supplies will be provided.

Christmas Caroling, Sunday, December 10, 5pm
You are invited to share Christmas cheer! Meet at St. Philip. Then groups will head out and about in the Roanoke Valley. Please also bring some cookies to share with folks. Sign-up in the narthex if you plan to join the fun!

Children’s Christmas Program
The children of St. Philip will share the Christmas story at the 5:30pm Christmas Eve worship service. Rehearsals for the children’s Christmas program are each Sunday at 9:50am, through December 17.

Christmas Eve Two opportunities for worship:
5:30pm – Candlelight service and youth program
9:00pm (note the new time!) – Traditional candlelight service
Holy Communion will be served at both services.

Morning Worship Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve
Because Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve happen on a Sunday this year, we will worship on both Sunday mornings at 9:30am. Christmas Eve morning we will light the fourth candle of our advent wreath and conclude our observance of the Advent Season. Then on December 31st we will continue our celebration of the Christmas Season by using Lessons and Carols to shape our worship.

Worship Assistants

December 2017 Worship Servers

December 2017 Servers

Worship Assistants

November 2017 Servers

November 2017 Servers

Congregational Life Youth Ministry

Youth News 

(More details are available in your email and texts)

Youth Group: Both Middle School and High School Groups meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, 4-6pm, with dinner for all at 5:30pm. Come join the fun!!


5th – Rake leaves for members of the congregation

12th – Youth-led Worship Service: both services!!

17th – 19th (Fri-Sat) – Lost & Found: Youth Retreat for 7th & 8th graders

19th (7pm) – Hollins Community Thanksgiving Worship (NO Youth Group)

Youth Faith Formation: 

Middle School and High School Faith Formation is part of Sunday Youth Group.  We use lots of different materials: re:form Bible study, videos, conversation, and “burning Jesus questions” (but PK, why would we want to burn Jesus?!).


Congregational Life

College Student Care Packages 

St. Philip will send a care package to each of our 11 college/graduate students at the end of the fall semester (late November). Let’s be sure that they know that just because they are away at school they are still in our thoughts and prayers.  You are invited to bring in donations of crackers, cookies, hot chocolate, drink mix, energy bars, candy, chocolate, highlighters, post-it notes and flags, pens, pencils, etc.  Donations will be accepted (in a box in the narthex) through Sunday, November 26.  Parents, your child(ren) will not get a care package if we don’t have an accurate current mailing address for him/her.  So please get that info to the office ASAP!

Christian Education Congregational Life

Intergenerational Faith Formation 

November 12 (10-10:45am), ALL ages will gather between worship services for a short bible story followed by a service project. Just for 45 minutes, 10-10:45am. Just once per month.

In November, in honor of Veterans Day, we will make cards for the 230 veterans at the Salem VA (Veterans Administration) Hospital. I encourage everyone to be part of these gatherings! If you’d like to help with these in any way, please speak with Pastor Kelly.

Christian Education Congregational Life

Children’s Faith Formation 

[Jesus] called a child, whom he put among them, and said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” 

(Matthew 18.2-4)

Children’s Faith Formation happens in the worship service – where kids participate in the central communal act of god’s people, worshipping together! Jesus invites us all to have the faith of a child. Let’s learn from the children of St. Philip about how to live like that!

Check out the Kid Central table in the narthex with each week’s Children’s Bulletin, story books, Spark Family booklets, Bible story books, and the kids Busy Bags with crayons, activities, etc. The table is low so kids can get to the materials.

Let the little children come!

Christian Education Congregational Life

Family Faith Formation 

Sunday, November 12, 4-6pm

For St. Philip families, especially those with children age birth – 5th grade.

What will we do at Family Faith Formation?

Play games!

Learn a bible story!

So kids and families can get to know each other better

And so families can practice sharing bible stories and fun together

Led by one of the pastors

Dinner for all at 5:30pm, provided for you by a St. Philipian

The hope of this gathering is to provide regular time for families to gather in faith, fun and fellowship, much like the youth groups currently gather. There will not be childcare because kids of all ages are part of this gathering! Hope everyone can join in the fun! Questions? Want to help serve a meal for families? Talk to Pastor Kelly.

Christian Education Congregational Life

ADULT Faith Formation 

Faith in Real Life (Sundays, 10am, in the library) Jesus said: “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Matthew 22:37-39)

But how do we do that, exactly? How do we live our faith in daily life? How do we understand the intersection of our faith with our social, political, and religious views? These are the sorts of questions that are central to Faith in Real Life!

All are invited for an open and positive format on Sunday morning as we work to build the bonds of fellowship and connect our faith with the events of everyday life. Please grab a cup of coffee in café and join the discussion.

Monday Morning Bible Study: Monday mornings 9:30am-10:30am. Study of scriptures that follow the Narrative Lectionary readings on Sunday morning. This is a great way for you to come to Sunday morning worship ready to be engaged with the word as the story is told. If you have not been a part of the Bible study crew now is the time to try it out. The crew meets in the church library.