Category: News

Greetings St. Philip family!
On behalf of the search team, I would like to invite each of you to an open forum on Sunday, June 30th, after 9:30 worship. This will be an opportunity for the congregation to hear from the search team and church council about the candidate we are hoping will become our new staff person at St. Philip!
The search team has identified a first call rostered minister (i.e., a new seminary graduate) as our primary candidate for the open staff position. This candidate will be visiting St. Philip on Sunday, July 14 to preach at worship and meet congregation members. Please mark your calendars and make every effort to be in worship this date to meet our candidate.
As you may recall, the congregation, council, and search team went through a very intentional process to discuss and decide upon the type of candidate we hoped for, and the skills and strengths needed to complement Pastor David and current staff. We cast a wide net in advertising the position to both rostered and lay candidates, and the search team selected four people to interview from approximately 25 lay applicants and three recommendations from the synod. We were pleased with each of the applicants invited to interview.
As the process of resume review and candidate interviews unfolded, it became more evident to the search team that a rostered candidate would be best suited to help St. Philip continue to grow ministry together. It amazed us to see how the Holy Spirit not only guided us in discerning the best direction, but led us to a candidate who “checks all the boxes” of the qualities and strengths we are looking for. We are excited!
The open forum on June 30 will provide an opportunity prior to the primary candidate’s visit for congregation members to ask any questions about the search process, how we arrived at our recommendation, and the steps that lie ahead. Please plan to come and bring your questions.
In Christ,
Shannon Radmacher
On behalf of the St Philip search team

Congregations of various denominations have reported that their members are receiving scam emails that are requesting gift card donations for a charitable cause. Religious groups and congregations are becoming easy targets for these types of scams.
Phishing is a form of “social engineering,” whereby a hacker with bad intentions sends an email (or text or phone call) pretending to be someone the recipient trusts and asks the recipient to take an action which can have adverse effects. In the case of targeting congregation members of churches, the scammer disguises themselves as the pastor or a lay leader in the church. Sometimes, scammers request money. Other times, they invite the recipient to click a link or open an attachment that can trigger malicious code.
A good rule of thumb with emails you’re not expecting is to reach out to the sender through another method of communication. Do not reply to an email request. Do not click on a link, or send money, gift cards, or provide checking account or credit card information without clarifying from the trusted source.
For more on this particular gift card scam, read this article from The Christian Post.
To get a better sense of what to look for when receiving unsolicited emails, try this Google Phishing Quiz.
Hackers are getting more sophisticated every day. The best defense is to pause and look for warning signs before responding to any unsolicited email, text, or phone call.
If someone in your contact list reports that an email has been sent appearing as you, it’s advisable to alert your entire contact list. You may use this message as a warning:
I’ve been informed that today an email that appeared to be me was sent out to many of you stating I am traveling and needed money in the form of gift cards.
I am not traveling. I do not need gift cards. This is a scam. Please do NOT reply to any email you received requesting gift cards, either from me or other people. Please do NOT send gift cards to the scammers sending these emails.
If you need help or have questions, please call Laura in the church office.
St. Philip Invitation – June/July 2019
April 2019 St. Philip Invitation

Palm Sunday,
April 14, 2019, 8:30a.m. & 11:00a.m.
This worship begins as we gather in
front of the church (weather permitting) with the Procession of Palms, remembering
the triumphal entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem.
Maundy Thursday, April 18, 2019 – 6:00p.m.
We gather in the fellowship hall for wine, cheese, and hors d’oeuvres. This
night we remember the disciples gathered in the upper room for Passover and the
Last Supper. After the meal, we will move to the sanctuary for Holy Communion
and the Stripping of the Altar.
Good Friday, April 19, 2019 – 7:00p.m.
We gather in the sanctuary for the service of Tenebrae which means
darkness. This service involves the reading of the Passion Story and the
extinguishing of candles as we remember our Lord’s suffering and death, as well
as the disciples’ denial and flight.
Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019
Easter Sunrise Service, 7:00 a.m. at the
Outdoor Chapel
Easter Festival Service 8:30 a.m. & 11:00a.m.
Easter Breakfast, 9:45 a.m.
*A nursery will be provided for all services as needed.
St. Philip Invitation – March 2019

Sermon on the Mount
This series for Lent takes parishioners through some of the most familiar teachings of Jesus from his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 and relates them to the events surrounding Christ’s life, death and resurrection. In the process, the services will powerfully reveal that the cross itself is the ultimate sermon on the mount for our journey of faith in this sacred season.
March 6, 2019 – 7:00p.m., St. Philip Lutheran Church
Ash Wednesday worship with the Imposition of Ashes
Blessed are You, Matthew 5:1-11
In this service, we remember that we who are poor in spirit, who mourn, and who hunger and thirst for righteousness are called blessed by our Savior. Ash Wednesday reminds us that though we have been brought low by sin, our Lord will bless us with new life in him through the cross.
March 13, 2019 – 7:00p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Rev. John McCandlish preaching
Salt and Light • Matthew 5:13-16
Christ calls us to be salt and light in this world of sin. We who have tasted and seen his great love for us on the cross can spend our Lent savoring his salvation and shining with his glory and grace in the places where he has put us.
March 20, 2019 – 7:00p.m., Glade Creek Lutheran Church, Rev. David Derrick preaching
Prayer and Fasting • Matthew 6:5-18
Lent is a season of prayer and fasting. We grow in our relationship with Christ by communicating with him, and we learn more about him and ourselves by giving up those things that can distract us from our connection to him.
March 27, 2019 – 7:00p.m., St. Philip Lutheran Church, Rev. James Davis preaching
Do Not Worry • Matthew 6:25-34
So much of our lives, even in Lent, is spent worrying about what might happen or what has happened. Christ teaches us to stop being anxious, but simply to trust that he knows what is best and will take care of us to the very end.
April 3, 2019 – 7:00p.m., St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Rev. Bob Ward preaching
Judge Not • Matthew 7:1-5
We live in a very judgmental world, so Jesus’ advice not to judge sounds radical to our modern ears. When we leave all judgment up to God, we free ourselves to look at one another through fresh and forgiving eyes.
April 10, 2019 – 7:00p.m., St. Philip Lutheran Church, Rev. Ken Lane preaching
Build on Rock • Matthew 7:24-27
We build our lives on very shaky foundations, and then we are surprised when things start collapsing. Jesus reminds us in his teachings that the only solid foundation is himself, the Rock of our salvation. On him alone we build.
*All services except for Ash Wednesday preceded by a soup and bread dinner at 6:00p.m.