Ministries Preschool

Preschool News

Ms. Danielle, Ms. Kelly, Ms. Sherrie, Ms. Rachael

This month marks the end of the 2017-2018 school year for St. Philip Lutheran Preschool. The preschool staff wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank each member of St. Philip for their prayers and hallway smiles while we ministered to over 35 families this year.

The time and effort many of you took to smile at, speak to, and learn the names of various students has meant the world to them. Many of the kids excitedly peek out of the classroom doors when they hear the outside doors open – a testament to their feeling of security and welcome within these church walls. While academics and social/emotional growth are our main focus here at St. Philip Preschool, there is a more important mission of making each child feel honored and welcomed within this body of believers.

The staff is looking forward to a fun summer camp as well as the upcoming 2018-2019 school year. We would like to invite each of you to join us in praying over these students, especially our rising kindergarten students.

For those of you who were unable to make it to the preschool graduation on May 23, please check out the Facebook page at for a video of graduation and pictures from throughout the year.

Thank you again for the honor of ministering alongside you!

News Preschool

Reflections from St. Philip Preschool Director

Danielle Murray 

While I sit here and sip my coffee, thinking about things happening in my life and my friends lives, I look up my students playing happily in the “running room.” The realization hits me. In just a few short years they will be dealing with so many of the same issues.

Broken relationships

Financial worries

Daily parenting struggles

Health issues

It’s a good reminder for me. This short time I have with each of them is invaluable. I get to remind them to look for the positives. I get to teach them about their rights as a human. I get to teach them about respect and their emotions and how to make the two work together. I get to choose to tell them when I’m having a hard day so their hard days don’t seem so foreign but just a different type of day.

It’s a good day to spend with a classroom full of preschoolers.