
St. Philip Invitation – May 2021


Indoor Worship Option to Begin on May 2

The pastors and church council are excited to offer the option of worship in the St. Philip sanctuary, beginning on May 2 at 9:30am! This worship will also be streamed live on Facebook at as well as being available via conference call.

As we enter into the new phase of worshipping together, we are filled with many emotions; joy, relief, excitement, and so much more. We, as your pastors, cannot tell you how wonderful, and moving, it will be to see all of your faces as we lead worship together.

For some of you this day back in our sanctuary has been a long time coming, for others, the choice to be in the sanctuary is still down the line a bit. The reality of a year of pandemic living has certainly taught us that people have a wide variety of perspectives – which of course is the case for the St. Philip community as well.

As we return to the sanctuary, please remember to offer patience and grace for all those perspectives, as well as for a worship experience that is not quite like the one from a year ago. Remember that you may not be able to sit in your regular spot and we might all have a bit of trouble getting everyone’s name correct. Remember to ask someone if it’s okay to hug them and be okay with some people not being ready for that just yet. Remember that it has been a year since many have seen each other and stories and lives have changed in that time. Mostly, remember that we are a community of faith where the constancy of God’s love is promised and present. Thanks be to God for abiding with us through this season and guiding us into the next!


Welcome to Indoor Worship!

As the congregation prepares to attend worship indoors again, please watch this video by Pastor David and Pastor Laura about what worship will look like in the coming Sundays.


St. Philip Lutheran Invitation – April 2020


St. Philip Invitation – March 2021


St. Philip Invitation – February 2021

News Newsletter

St. Philip Invitation – January 2021

News Newsletter

St. Philip Invitation – December 2020


St. Philip Invitation – November 2020


St. Philip Invitation – October 2020