Children’s Faith Formation at St. Philip happens in multiple ways. During Sunday morning worship services kids participate in the central communal act of god’s people, worshipping together! On the second Sunday of each month, there is opportunity for ALL to come together between worship services for Intergenerational Faith Formation. And on the fourth Sunday of each month in the afternoon Family Faith Formation allows families to celebrate and fellowship together in faith and fun.
Families are encouraged to check their emails on Thursday or Fridays each week for a faithful perspective of the upcoming week’s scripture lesson and a children’s activity sheet. This is a great way for parents to introduce Bible study at home. Many thanks to Lynn Erwin for writing these notes each week.
On Sunday mornings, check out the Kid Central table in the narthex with each week’s Children’s Bulletin, story books, Spark Family booklets, Bible story books, and the kids Busy Bags with crayons, activities, etc. The table is low so kids can get to the materials.
Jesus invites us all to have the faith of a child. Let’s learn from the children of St. Philip about how to live like that! Let the little children come!