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Sharing God’s Gifts

Generosity Matters

There are a variety of gifts, but the same spirit . . . to each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” (1 Cor 12:4-7)

Traditionally at St. Philip, we have engaged in some sort of stewardship emphasis each spring. The current situation, of course, makes that difficult. So what we would like to do instead is offer some information about how your support of our faith community matters.

Your decision about how to support the core operations of this church and the ministries that flow through it is a personal one. It’s between you and God. As has been made clear during monts of pandemic realities, the building at 8115 Williamson Road is not St.Philip Lutheran Church, but merely the vessel that enables our church family to connect and launch our ministries.

Our shared ministry is supported by your regular offerings. Thanks to your regular offerings our staff is paid, resources are available for digital and in-person ministries, and St. Philip is able to impact our community in powerful and helpful ways.

We thank everyone in our community for all the support they have given — in time, talent and treasure — as we give back what God has first given us. With your help, we will continue to Live Like That.

Make a gift to support God’s ministry at St. Philip or change your regular contribution.

Discover Generosity in Scripture