Greetings St. Philip family!
On behalf of the search team, I would like to invite each of you to an open forum on Sunday, June 30th, after 9:30 worship. This will be an opportunity for the congregation to hear from the search team and church council about the candidate we are hoping will become our new staff person at St. Philip!
The search team has identified a first call rostered minister (i.e., a new seminary graduate) as our primary candidate for the open staff position. This candidate will be visiting St. Philip on Sunday, July 14 to preach at worship and meet congregation members. Please mark your calendars and make every effort to be in worship this date to meet our candidate.
As you may recall, the congregation, council, and search team went through a very intentional process to discuss and decide upon the type of candidate we hoped for, and the skills and strengths needed to complement Pastor David and current staff. We cast a wide net in advertising the position to both rostered and lay candidates, and the search team selected four people to interview from approximately 25 lay applicants and three recommendations from the synod. We were pleased with each of the applicants invited to interview.
As the process of resume review and candidate interviews unfolded, it became more evident to the search team that a rostered candidate would be best suited to help St. Philip continue to grow ministry together. It amazed us to see how the Holy Spirit not only guided us in discerning the best direction, but led us to a candidate who “checks all the boxes” of the qualities and strengths we are looking for. We are excited!
The open forum on June 30 will provide an opportunity prior to the primary candidate’s visit for congregation members to ask any questions about the search process, how we arrived at our recommendation, and the steps that lie ahead. Please plan to come and bring your questions.
In Christ,
Shannon Radmacher
On behalf of the St Philip search team